
As the weekend approaches, people in Chicago are hoping that they're not in for another couple of days of violence. 30 people were shot last weekend and even more the weekend before that, there were 267 shootings in the city in April alone. Part of it is about drugs gangs vying for power and territory since many local gang leaders were jailed. 
译文:  随着周末将至,芝加哥市民希望这次不要再发生连续数日的暴乱了。上周末已有30人被枪杀,上上周罹难者人数更多。光是在四月,芝加哥就已经发生了267起枪击事件。其中一部分原因在于,自从许多当地的贩毒团伙头子被抓入监狱后,团伙与团伙之间争权夺利、抢占地盘。