
It looks nice and futuristic. In fact, you know, it bears lots of sort of resemblances to the traditional spacesuit, the suit that we all think of when we think of space. And actually, the main difference of it is on the surface and they've included these light-emitting panels which will allow them to kinds of create special logos. You should be able to potentially identify individual astronauts, I mean, they'll have a different sort of logo on their fronts.
译文:  (这件太空服)看上去非常漂亮,别具一格。事实上,你懂的,它跟传统的太空服相似之处还是挺多的,就是那种我们一想到太空就会立马想到的太空服。不过事实上,(它与传统太空服的)不同之处主要在于其衣服的表面部分装有使宇航员能够自主创建个人标识的发光板。你应该能通过这些标识认出这些宇航员谁是谁,我的意思是,他们每个人的太空服前面会有不同的标识。