Johnson and Wales University(在线收听


Broadcast: February 20, 2003
By Nancy Steinbach

This is the VOA Special English Education Report.

We continue our series about how foreign students can study at an American college or university. You can find the series at voaspecialenglish dot com. Today, we tell about one of the most unusual universities in the United States.

Johnson and Wales University is in Providence, Rhode Island. It also has branches in Norfolk, Virginia; Charleston, South Carolina; Miami, Florida; and Denver Colorado. Students can also study at Johnson and Wales in Goteborg, Sweden. A new campus in Charlotte, North Carolina, will begin to accept students in two-thousand-four.

Gertrude Johnson and May Wales began the university as a business school in nineteen-fourteen. Now, students also study food service management, travel services, hotel management, marketing and other subjects.

Many study business subjects from the time they enter the university. They also get work experience as part of their education. Professors supervise1 second-year students as they work in businesses that are owned by the university. These include farms, stores and hotels.

More than fifteen-thousand students attend Johnson and Wales University. More than one-thousand of them are from outside the United States. They come from ninety-two countries. University officials say most are studying international travel and recreation services.

Johnson and Wales University has an office in Istanbul2, Turkey. Workers from that office travel to schools all over the world and talk about the university. They help students with their applications and other paper work. And they provide information about how to get financial aid3.

International students pay more than twenty-five-thousand dollars a year to attend Johnson and Wales University in Providence. An International Center helps new students find places to live and provides many other services. The university also offers classes that teach English as a second language.

Johnson and Wales University is on the Internet at Or you can write to International Admissions, Johnson and Wales University, Eight Abbott Park Place, Providence, Rhode Island, 02903, USA. This VOA Special English Education Report was written by Nancy Steinbach.
1. supervise [5sju:p[vaIz] v. 监督,管理,指导
2. Istanbul [7IstAn5bu:l] n. 伊斯坦布尔(土耳其西北部城市)
3. financial aid n. 财政援助
