
模仿文本:First today it was once referred to as King Coal, the fuel which powered the Industrial Revolution, then came climate change, global warming, and apparently burning desire on the part of world leaders to reduce the carbon footprint and phase out dirty, smelly, planet-warming coal. So has coal bitten the dust as a major energy source? Oh, no, not a bit of it. Today the International Energy Agency has released its latest forecast for the coal industry and the agency's Maria van der Hoeven says rumours of the death of King Coal are premature.
今天首先要讲讲煤炭,这个曾经推动了工业革命的燃料之王。但后来由于出现了气候变化、全球变暖,世界各国领导人明确表态急需减少碳足迹、逐步淘汰掉又脏又有怪味儿还制造全球变暖的煤炭。那么煤炭已经不再是主要能源了吗?不不,完全不是。国际能源机构今天发表了最新的煤炭行业预测,该机构的Maria van der Hoeven认为,燃料之王煤炭的彻底退出还为时尚早。