
❤ 模仿文本:Now it's an important moment in the psychology of Europe's single currency zone. For the past three years Ireland has relied on an emergency funding from international creditors including European Union to stay afloat and navigate its way out of its debt crisis. Those emergency financial lifelines came with stringent conditions and Irish salaries and jobs had to be slashed to meet them. But after this weekend, Ireland wants to stand on its own financial feet again. Dublin's saying no thanks to any further emergency loans from the EU. It'll head back to international financial markets alone, the first of the bailed-out eurozone countries to do so. 
❤ 译文:现在是欧洲单一货币区的重要关头。过去三年来,爱尔兰一直依靠欧盟等国际债权人提供的紧急救助计划保持经济平稳,并试图走出债务危机的困扰。一旦接受了那些紧急金融救助计划,也意味着爱尔兰的形势会更加严峻,为了达到要求,爱尔兰人的工资和就业都大幅度削减。但本周后,爱尔兰希望再次依靠自身金融能力走出困境。都柏林将不会对欧盟今后提供的紧急救助款报以感激。它将独自面对国际金融市场,这也是第一个做出此决定的受援欧元区国家。