【英音模仿秀】土耳其欲接手迪拜竞赛 争办2022年莱德杯(在线收听

 模仿文本: I think there is every chance of the mounting a bid and for it to be a successful one, if you look at the way that the golfing economy is travelling, it is heading east. We know that many more of the European Tours events are played in Asia than they ever have been before, it's where the bulk of the sponsorship money is going; we've just seen the completion of the inaugural Turkish Airlines Open which was won by Victor Dubuisson and big money was put into that, enough to attract Tiger Woods to play.

译文:我认为,这肯定会是一次成功的投标。你观察一下高尔夫经济的走向,它在向东迁移。我们知道,越来越多的欧洲巡回赛在亚洲举办,已超出了以往的数目。大笔赞助费也流向亚洲。我们刚刚见证首届‘土耳其航空公开赛’(Turkish Airlines Open)闭幕,维克多‧杜比伊森(Victor Dubuisson)获胜。公开赛注入了大笔资金,足以吸引泰格‧伍兹(Tiger Woods)参赛。