
❤ 模仿文本:Now it sounds obvious but a major feature of the global economy since the end of the Second World War has been the rise and rise of trade. In fact, international trade has been growing significantly faster than world GDP. International trade agreements have thrown the doors open to ever-greater integration of our economies and ever-greater flows of goods and services across our borders. The result can be seen today in the vast piles of shipping containers that can be found stacked on the key side of mega ports, like Shanghai, Los Angeles and Rotterdam.
❤ 译文:现在看来蓬勃发展的贸易往来显然是自二战结束之后全球经济最突出的主要特征。实际上,世界贸易的增速已经远远超过全球GDP增长。国际贸易协定促进了全球经济一体化和国与国之间的商品服务流动。结果就是,我们能看到成堆的船运集装箱累落在譬如上海、洛杉矶、鹿特丹等大型港口的重要区域。