【英音模仿秀】自己动手 乐趣无穷(在线收听

❤ 模仿文本:From that point onwards, I've just always, whenever I had the opportunity, done it myself, tried to find somewhere getting myself involved in the making process so I can understand it better. And then I became a food writer. And it seems kind of natural that I would do exactly the same kind of thing with food. So I always have. I cured my own ham, my own bacon, I made my own sausages, made my own bread, that kind of thing. I had that kind of DIY ethos. I'm so keen on it I actually write a book about it. So throughout this programme I'm gonna meet other people who do it themselves, the people who go the extra mile, decode recipes, make new weird, wonderful concoctions in their spare rooms.
❤ 译文:自那以后,只要有机会,我一定会亲自参与到制作过程当中,以获得更深入的了解。后来,我成为了一名美食作家。自然而然的,这个习惯也体现在了与食物打交道的过程中。我自己腌火腿、熏培根、做香肠、烤面包等等等等。我早已形成了自己动手的精神,现在已经是一种执念了,我甚至还为此写了本书。所以在本期节目中,我将采访到一群同样喜欢自己动手的人们,他们比别人更努力,解析食谱,在备用房间里尝试新的奇异组合。