
❤ 模仿文本:But first, the story of the extraordinary undercover operation which saved hundreds of thousands of historic documents in the Malian city of Timbuktu. The documents date back to the 13th century and include countless beautiful works of religious and scientific scholarship. Some were kept in the main public library while many others were looked after in private libraries run by families who've handed them down from generation to generation. When Islamist militants took control of the city, the guardians of the manuscripts feared they would be destroyed. 
❤ 译文:首先来关注这个故事,在马里城市廷巴克图,一次非同凡响的秘密行动拯救了千百万卷有重大历史意义的文献。这些文献可追溯到13世纪,包含了无数宗教和科学研究上的杰出成就。有些文献存放在主要的公共图书馆,此外还有许多由私人家族图书馆照料保存,一代代传承下来。当伊斯兰主义武装力量占领这座城市时,这些手稿的保护者们担心它们会遭到破坏。