
❤ 模仿文本:But are we big enough to change the course of geological history? In the earth's deep past, great events such as the start of ice ages, titanic volcanic eruptions and the mass extinctions of plants and animals cause the planet to shift gear into new geological periods. They have names like the Jurassic, the Cretaceous and the Pleistocene. All these upheavals left many traces in the rocks forming at the earth's surface at those times, stories of global change written by the fossils and the chemical makeup of the strata. 
❤ 译文:我们是否有能力改变地质的历史进程?在远古时代,一些像冰河时代到来,猛烈火山喷发,动植物大规模灭绝的重大事件使得地球改变了步调,迈入一个又一个地质新纪元。举例来说,这些地质时期有侏罗纪、白垩纪和更新世等。所有的巨变都在当时的地表岩石里留下了印迹,全球变化的故事就这样铭刻在了化石和岩层的化学成分中。