
模仿文本: In fact, Mott Green had already shaken up the chocolate world with what seemed like a simple idea - the cocoa farmers could also be the chocolate makers, that the people who grew the beans could also be the main beneficiaries when we buy the bar. It sounds simple but it was in fact a revolutionary idea and an incredible feat of engineering. And so it was a story we were keen to tell on the Food Programme.
译文: 事实上,莫特·格林用一个看似简单的想法——可可农应该同时制造巧克力——撼动了整个巧克力行业,种植可可豆的人们最应从我们购买巧克力的行为中获益。这听起来很简单,但实际上却是革命性的,是工程学中的大事件。正因如此,我们才如此热衷于在美食节目中讲述这个故事。