
模仿文本: BBC Radio 4 has revived the ancient art form of ventriloquism. If you don't know what it is, it's when a person changes his or her voice, so that it appears that the voice is coming from somewhere or something else, usually a puppet or dummy. In other words, the person's speaking doesn't appear to be moving their mouth at all. 
译文: BBC广播4频道已经复兴了腹语术这一古老的艺术。如果你不知道它是什么,它是一个人改变自己的声音来使得声音像是从其他地方或其他物品,一般是木偶或傀儡中发出的。换言之,这个人在讲话,但是看似他都没有动他的嘴。 