英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1028 - 是谁伤害了小蝌蚪?(在线收听

Topic1-Men's Health Day and sperm quality issue
Today (October 28th) marks the 17th World's Men's Health Day, with this year's theme focusing on male infertility. The latest figures from the largest sperm bank in China show that only 19.4 percent of sperms meet the donation standard in the first nine months, much less than that of eight years ago.
Should people be worried?
Topic2-Palace Museum goes digital
The Palace Museum, China's largest museum and biggest treasure house, is taking its steps into the digital world. Its various cultural products have won people's heart, and people say they never imagined the museum can be so cute.
How has the once sublime and somewhat distant museum revamped its image?
Topic3-Is Doggy poop pastry a local specialty of Shanghai?
Doggy Poop pastry has become a best seller product in many specialty stores in Shanghai. Many travellers buy it because they like the taste and also think it is a Shanghai local specialty. However, a number of Shanghai locals say they've never heard of it ever.      