英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1103 - 你是否睡在噪音里?(在线收听

Topic 1: A quarter of cities in China sleep in noise
Leading environmental authorities in China have released a report suggesting a quarter of all Chinese, living in cities, go to sleep with noise. Do you sleep in a noisy environment, and what's problem with excess noise levels?
Topic 2-Shanghai natives seek own kind
A recent survey shows nearly 80 percent of young, single people in Shanghai say they want their partners to have been born in the city. Why do Shanghai natives prefer to seek own kind? Do you prefer a partner from the same place? Guys what's going on?
Topic 3-Winter is coming
Winter is pretty much knocking on the door, but here in the North China, people are saying its breaking down the door. With some serious drops in temperature being seen in places like Beijing, are we looking at a record breaking winter?          