
❤ 模仿文本:Challenges to our concept to the physical world are very much in the headlines, too. NASA recently invested in a quantum computer to simultaneously consider all answers to complex scenarios. And you've no doubt heard about the world's first gun made with 3D printing technology which has been successfully fired in the US. For Night Waves, the philosopher Julian Baggini explores the act of conceiving the inconceivable.
❤ 译文:新闻头条也经常挑战着我们对物质世界的认识。为了能同时应对各种复杂问题,美国宇航局最近买进了量子计算机。你一定听说了世界首支3D打印枪在美国成功试射。在今天的“夜间电波”节目中,哲学家朱立安·巴吉尼将为我们挖掘隐藏在人类构想出不可思议事物这一行为背后的意义。