【英音模仿秀】英伦古乐团 情迷巴洛克(在线收听

❤ 模仿文本:Yes. A piccolo cello is a cello with five strings. It's slightly smaller than a normal Baroque cello, may be 7/8th of the size. And the fifth string is a top string tuned in E whereas a normal cello the top string is tuned in A. And it lends itself to have more tenor like sound when you hear the instrument. And in fact, Bach wrote his Sixth Cello Suite for this piccolo cello and then incorporated a number of arias as an obbligato instrument accompanying many the male voice either at the tenor bass. 
❤ 译文:小型大提琴有五根弦,其大小是一般巴洛克大提琴的八分之七,较之略小。第五根弦是E调高音弦,而一般的大提琴高音弦为A调。乐器的音色很像男高音。巴赫为小型大提琴创作了第六无伴奏大提琴组曲,加入了伴奏乐器和大量的咏叹调,使得音色非凡的乐器和男性唱腔相得益彰,互应成趣。