
❤ 模仿文本:But today we're going to trace the family quite a bit further back to uncover some of Bach's musical ancestors, most of whom is the deadly rather confusingly all-called Johann. And we begin at the first half of the sixteen hundreds in the central German region of Thuringia. J.S. Bach, he's known to have mentioned his great-great grandfather, a baker named Veit Bach who lived in Wechmar and who apparently used to accompany the motion of his mill wheel by playing upon his cittern.
❤ 译文:但是今天,我们要追溯到该家族历史更为久远的时期,来看看这些音乐家先人们——他们有很多都叫约翰,虽是偶然,但是也经常让人迷惑。我们从17世纪上半期德意志地区中部的图林根州说起。巴赫就曾提到他的面包师曾曾祖父维特·巴赫,他居住于韦希马尔,经常就着水车的转动弹奏他的西特琴。