
❤ 模仿文本:We're going back a few years from Mozart of course. Machaut was born in the early 1300s near Rheims, and was arguably the most famous musician of his day, champion of the so-called ars nova movement, and the cutting edge of new techniques and styles. From his early 20s, he was employed as secretary to Count John of Luxembourg who was also King of Bohemia. And for almost 25 years, Machaut accompanied the royal party on all sorts of trips and military expeditions. 
❤ 译文:14世纪初,马肖出生于兰斯附近。有证据证明他是该时代最著名的音乐家,他是所谓的“新艺术运动”的领军人物,引领了当时的最新技术和艺术风格。早年20岁时,他是卢森堡莫理斯伯爵,也就是波西米亚国王的秘书。接下来约25年,他跟随皇室成员历经旅程,出征各地。