

  Thesis 总论点
  The reading points out three ways to stop the disappearing  of gopher tortoises.
  Sub-point 1 分论点1
  Preserve habitats of palm forests. And then gopher tortoises can have  more food supplies
  Sub-point2 分论点2
  Raise them in research center and then release them
  Sub-point 3 分论点3
  Migrate them to areas suitable but without other  tortoises
  Thesis 总论点
  Refute the three  explanations mentioned in reading passage.
  Sub-point 1 分论点1
  Fires frequently happen in their habitats, thus causing  a lot of trees and grass cleaned out. As a result, the tortoises do not have enough  grass to eat.
  Sub-point2 分论点2
  This way can bring terrible consequences. The gopher  tortoises might suffer certain disease that can only be treated in the research  center, and also cause negative effect to wild tortoises.
  Sub-point3 分论点3
  Tortoises have  homing instinct that leads them to return to their original habitats. In other cases, gopher tortoises will return if they cannot get the places  chosen for them.
  In their way back, they may come across dangers like busy  roads and even be killed.
  Sample answer:
  The reading and listening discuss aboutstrategies to stop the vanishing of gopher
  tortoises. The reading passage mentionsthree ways to stop the disappearing of gopher
  tortoises. Whereas, the professortotally refutes the three points presented in the
  Firstly, the professor rebuts the reading’s idea that bypreserving habitats of palm
  forests, gopher tortoises can have more food supplies.The professor claims that fires
  frequently happen in their habitats, thus causinga lot of trees and grass cleaned out.
  As a result, the tortoises do not have enoughgrass to eat.
  Secondly, the professor contradicts reading’s secondmethod of raising the gopher
  tortoises in research center and then releasingthem. The professor mentions that this
  way can bring terrible consequences. Thegopher tortoises might suffer certain disease
  that can only be treated in theresearch center, and also cause negative effect to wild
  At last, the passage states that people can protectthem by migrating gopher
  tortoises to areas suitable but without othertortoises. However, the professor explains
  that tortoises havehoming instinct that leads them to return to original habitats. In
  other cases,gopher tortoises will return if they cannot get the places chosen for them.
  Intheir way back, they may come across dangers like busy roads and even bekilled.
  Do you agree or disagree  with the following statement?
  Getting advice from friends  who are older than you is more valuable than getting that
  from your peers.
  Main point: Disagree
  Reason1. Improper  comparison. 到底是否valuable是因人而异,因情况而定了。直接
  说getting  advice from older is more valuable than getting from peers 是unrealistic.
  Reason2. Based on the fact,  来自同龄人的advice    其实会让我们收获更多。Peers跟
  我们有similar age and  similar experience,来自他们的建议会让我们觉得acceptable
  and feasible。
  例 子:学习为例。老师或者家长(注意也是friends)给的建议常常会被我们忽略,觉得他们跟我们的经历不同,他们的经验未必适用于我们。但是如果我们的 同龄朋友最近学习突飞猛进,她给的学习上的advice会让我们觉得如获至宝。所以,来自older  friends的advice因为不常会被我们接受,因此也就没有那么valuable了。
  Reason3. 让步。很多人会觉得older friends 因为经验丰富,他们经历过,所以他们的advice比较precious,可以帮助我们避免一些不必要的麻烦。但是我们不要忘了,如今的时代真的变化太快 了,择偶标准、求学、找工作、职场规则,每一个领域过一段时间就会有一些变化,所以older friends的建议如果放在他/她的时代是适用的,但是未必一直有用,所以还是同龄人的比较有用。