英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1104 - 主题公园能在中国赚到钱吗?(在线收听

Topic 1-Universal Studios to open theme park in Beijing
After the Disneyland opened its theme park in Shanghai earlier this year, another foreign theme park is planning to come to the Chinese capital. Universal Studios plans to open a theme park in Beijing in 2020. Is that good news? Are these theme parks able to do well in China? What’s going on guys?
Topic 2-Toxic Friends VS Real Friends
A friend in need is a friend indeed. They support you, they encourage you, and they only want what’s best for you. But there's another type of friend that isn't actually a friend at all. These people are called toxic friends and they will be happy about your failures on the inside.  How can you spot them?
Topic 3-Houses for stray dogs in Kunming community spark debate
You might have heard the song, “who let the dogs out” but in Yunnan, some people are singing, “Who let the dogs in”. A move to build houses for stray dogs, has sparked debate in some communities, what’s going on guys?