
模仿文本: Hundreds of foreign tourists savoured the slow journey along the river, taking in the savannah landscape, camping overnight and eating local food cooked over small fires by their guides. Now the same guides, mostly young men, sit listlessly on their pinnace, playing cards or staring into space. More than half of the long boats have already been taken off the water, they say, their owners unable to repair wear and tear as their source of income has steadily dried up. 
译文:在过去,数以百计的外国游客在河边悠然地品味旅行,饱览大草原的美丽风光,在帐篷里过夜, 享受导游亲手烤制的当地美食。这些导游大多数是年轻人。而他们现在正懒散地坐在小船上,打着扑克,呆望着空地。半数多的大船已经被拖上了岸。他们说,由于没有收入,船主们无法修补自己的船只。 