【英音模仿秀】颓市多哀鸿 复兴路迢迢(在线收听

模仿文本: Well, there's been a real flurry of figures coming out of the US in recent days, not too many good ones though. It's earning season and Wayne S. Kaufman, who's the chief market analyst with John Thomas Financial, has been reading the runes. 
"Earning season was expected to be weak, but it's coming in a little worse than expected due to somebody's high-profile disappointment. Like Google, for example, I think that was a shocker. General Electric didn't make people happy. IBM was definitely a shocker. So there's been a lowered expectation, but it's starting out to be even a little worse than people had hoped for." 
译文: 最近美国市场各项数据如潮汹涌,但其中没有几家公司的表现令人满意。当下正值财报季,约翰·汤马斯金融公司首席市场分析师韦恩·S·考夫曼这样解读这些数据。 