
模仿文本: Here's a venerable and so far unresolved dilemma: a press which is fettered by government regulation is no longer free to check and criticise government; but a press which is free may abuse those freedoms in ways that the public - on whose behalf it claims to speak, and whose interests it claims to serve - may find deeply repellent and repugnant, as in the case of the current phone hacking scandal. 
译文: 如今存在着这样一个严肃而又未决的窘境:一个被政府管理所束缚的媒体是不可能去审视和批评政府的。但是,一个绝对自由的媒体可能会导致权力的滥用,他们代表他们所宣称的公众说话,为他们所宣扬的公众利益服务。这可能最终导致截然相反的矛盾后果,就如同最近发生的电话窃听丑闻。 