【英音模仿秀】财政悬崖 进退两难(在线收听

模仿文本: Well, the economic pundits in Washington have been busy computing what will happen if the American economy does go skittering over this fiscal cliff. The non-partisan Tax Policy Center estimates that 90% of Americans will be affected with the average family facing an annual tax hike of almost $3,500. Their income falls even further when you include the spending cuts. 
译文: 华盛顿的经济学权威最近忙于谋算着美国经济一旦跌落财政悬崖会有怎样的后果。美国无党派税收政策中心预测将会有90%的美国人受此影响,平均每个家庭将会面临年税收新增3,500美元。如果考虑花销削减,他们的收入会更低。 