
模仿文本: But to quote Cefas, the journalists misunderstood the data. For some reason, they decided to class an adult cod as over 13. But that's not merely an adult cod, it's an ancient cod. Now we shouldn't be surprised that there are very few cod over 13, just as we aren't surprised there are hardly any humans older than a hundred. 
译文: 不过,Cefas表示记者们误解了这一数据。由于某些原因,他们把13岁以上的鳕鱼归为成年鳕鱼。但是13岁对鳕鱼而言不仅仅是成年,反而可以算做是老年了。正如同我们并不惊讶于很少有人能活过100岁一样,我们也不需对没有多少鳕鱼能活过13岁感到惊讶。 