【英音模仿秀】风水轮流转 时尚也长腿(在线收听

The UK luxury giant Burberry is one brand to have warned of lower profits amid a weakening demand from the Far East. Is it the sign of the times? I've caught up with Roger Saul, founder of the British luxury brand Mulberry now has his own retail designer outlet Kilver Court in the west of England. I asked him what he was seeing. 
译文: 英国的奢侈品巨头Burberry是一个在远东地区需求疲软的形势下走出低盈利状态的品牌。这是顺应形势的吗?罗杰•索尔是英国奢侈品品牌Mulberry的创立者,现在在英格兰西部已经拥有自己的零售专卖店Kilver Court。我问他看到了什么。