
KEN: Aaah! Oh, for god's sake, it's you! Oh, Jeez - I'm gonna need new pants! Hey, those psychos from up north - they've been on the horn,and they're coming down here soon.Now where is the goddamn money?! 
TOMMY: Relax, relax. We're not at that part yet. 
KEN: Ohhh... I thought that you were taking care of this, I really did!And now those guidos say we gotta do them a favor. 
TOMMY: You mean I gotta do 'em a favor. 
KEN: Oh, of course that's what I mean.Do I look like I can ___(1)_____? I couldn't intimidate a child - and believe me, I've tried. Now, look. It's either that, or Forelli's cousin, Giorgio,_____(2)______.You gotta take these guys OUT! 
TOMMY: I understand. Help the jury change their minds. Don't worry about it. 
KEN: No no no no no - NO! I tried that. The jury case didn't go so well,so MAKE them change their minds. 