
AVERY: Tommy, this is Donald Love. Donald, this here is Tommy Vercetti, the latest gunslinger to come to these parts. 
DONALD: Yeh...uh... 
AVERY: Donald, you just shut up and listen, and you might learn something.Now, nothing brings down ___(1)___ prices quicker than a good old-fashioned gang war'cept maybe a disaster, like a biblical plague or something,but, that may be going too far in this case. You getting this down, you four-eyed prick? Now recently a Haitian gang lord died. Apparently the Cubans did it, nobody's certain. But _______(2)________! You disguise yourself as a Cuban hombre, and head on down to crash that funeral. Mix it up, and then high tail it. You getting this down, Donald? Well, that ought to put the coyote in the chicken coop,huh? And then we'll just sit back, and watch the prices tumble. 