
KEN: Oh, we gotta redecorate this place. We gotta make it look older.I can't stand this look. Tommy, whadaya say? Whadaya say we put a bar in... 
TOMMY: You're my lawyer, Rosenberg, not my interior decorator. Got it? Listen to me, The time to take over this town is now. It's all out there waiting for us. 
LANCE: We need to _________(1)___________, let Vice City know we're the new players in town, know what I'm saying? 
AVERY: What you need is a legitimate front Tommy, real estate.It's never done me no harm. 
LANCE: We need to start using some _(2)_ or we can kiss all that hard work goodbye.Local businesses know Diaz is dead,and they're refusing to pay protection! 
KEN: Ooh! We could try bribery... 
TOMMY: Bribery? Screw bribery! I'll show you how to make 'em scared!I'll be back here in five minutes... 