
   Chapter 16

  Greek life
  How the Greeks Lived
  But how, you will ask, did the ancient Greeks have time to look after their families and their business if they were forever running to the marketplace to discuss affairs of state? In this chapter I shall tell you.
  In all matters of government, the Greek democracy recognised only one class of citizens-the freemen. Every Greek city was composed of a small number of free born citizens, a large number of slaves and a sprinkling of foreigners.
  对于政府的所有事务,希腊的民主 制度只承认一类市民拥有参与的权利,那就是自由 民。而每一个希腊城市都是由少数生来自由 的市民、大量的奴隶和零星的外国人组成的。
  At rare intervals (usually during a war, when men were needed for the army) the Greeks showed themselves willing to confer the rights of citizenship upon the "barbarians" as they called the foreigners. But this was an exception. Citizenship was a matter of birth. You were an Athenian because your father and your grandfather had been Athenians before you. But however great your merits as a trader or a soldier, if you were born of non-Athenian parents, you remained a "foreigner" until the end of time.
  The Greek city, therefore, whenever it was not ruled by a king or a tyrant, was run by and for the freemen, and this would not have been possible without a large army of slaves who outnumbered the free citizens at the rate of six or five to one and who performed those tasks to which we modern people must devote most of our time and energy if we wish to provide for our families and pay the rent of our apartments.
  因此,只要不是由一位"国王"或"暴君"统治时,希腊的各个城市便归这个自由 民阶层管理,并为其利益服务。这种体制,如果离开了一个数量六、七倍于自由 民的奴隶阶层,根本就无法运转。奴隶为有幸成为自由 民的古希腊主人承担了种种繁重劳动,而现代人却不得不为这些养家糊口的工作,付出他们大部分的时间与精力。