
Druid of the Claw:Your pardon. Shan’do Stormrage—Priestess Tyrande—but she insisted that she be allowed to see you. 
Tyrande:Who are you, girl? What is so urgent? 
Runner:I am a servant of the Warden, Maiev Shadowsong—she who _(1)_ to hunt down the Betrayer, Illidan. 
Malfurion:Illidan? Explain yourself! 
Runner:Your pardon, Shan’do, but your brother has raised a dark army from the sea and stolen a powerful demonic artifact! Even now, my mistress battles him on the broken isles! She requires immediate reinforcements! 
Tyrande:I will go. I will lead the Sentinels there myself. 
Malfurion:No, my love. The druids and I can handle— 
Tyrande:______(2)_____. The responsibility is mine. 
Malfurion:Then we shall both go. If this girl’s tale is true. Maiev will need all the help she can get. 