
Malfurion:You have brought much suffering to the world, Illidan. _(1)_, you can never be forgiven. However, you saved the life of my love. For that I will let you go. But, should you ever threaten my people again— 
Illidan:I understand, brother. Lordship over this world was never my aim… only power…only the magic. I’ve lingered here too long. I must go. By aiding you, I have betrayed my new master. If I am not careful, his wrath will be my end. 
Illidan:Farewell, brother—Tyrande. I doubt our paths will cross again. En’shu falash-nah. 
Maiev:Fools! _____(2)_____? 
Tyrande:Maiev, Illidan has atoned for his crimes! He is no longer a threat to— 
Malfurion:It’s no use, Tyrande. She has become vengeance itself, bound forever to the hunt. I only pray that in her zeal, she doesn’t cause even more havoc than Illidan. 
Tyrande:Now, let’s go home, beloved. We’ve earned our rest. 