英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1124 - 童工问题,没那么简单(在线收听

Topic 1-Using child labor in eastern China
A video exposed what bears striking resemblance to a 19th century child labor sweat shop has gone viral. Footage of underage workers slaving away in garment factories in Changshu, eastern China's Jiangsu Province have shocked people and got us asking “how can we end child labor in China in the 21st century”?
Topic 2-How to ensure security when rent a house?
According a survey conducted by the Research Center of China Youth Daily, only some 26 percent people think it’s safe renting a house. 63% of the tenants say their sense of insecurity comes from the window and door, which tops the concerns. And 73% of the respondents think that the government should crack down the illegal housing agencies to ensure safety.
Topic 3-Love Theme Garden in Campus
A college in Sichuan province organized a special if not cheezy event in its newly built love theme garden. 99 pairs of students who are already in a relationship professed their love in front of a fervent audience in the garden of love.