
   Seek him out early and shower him with praise.

  Offer political transactions and promise to help make America great.
  Arm yourself with hard facts and, above all, avoid irritating him because he’s easily provoked.
  That’s the kind of the advice I heard Americans sharing with their Middle Eastern friends as the battle for Donald Trump’s heart and mind gets under way.
  The US president-elect’s policies are still a mystery but his character and love of the deal are well documented.
  Like much of the world, the Middle East was stunned by the election of a political neophyte with no foreign policy experience, and no links to the Washington establishment they have courted for decades.
  A foreign policy forum I attended in Abu Dhabi underlined how confident officials in the region were about a Hillary Clinton victory.
  我在阿布扎比参加的一个外交政策论坛突显了中东官员对希拉里.克林顿(Hillary Clinton)获胜是多么有信心。
  Just before the election, in fact, some of her advisers had held talks in the Gulf as they plotted her Middle East strategy.
  Instead, a region that is all too familiar with the dangers of populism, polarisation and trafficking in semi-truths watched with dismay as the US elected a leader whose approach to the Middle East rests on a few slogans — a promise to get tough with Iran and even tougher with Islamists.
  At this early stage, two regional winners appear to have emerged.
  The first is Israel’s far right, which is cheering Mr Trump’s election, expecting him to give up on the idea of a Palestinian state.
  The second is Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, the Egyptian president, who has made it his mission to eradicate the Muslim Brotherhood and has been hailed by Mr Trump as a fantastic guy.
  第二个赢家是埃及总统阿卜杜勒.法塔赫.塞西(Abdel Fattah al-Sisi),他以铲除穆斯林兄弟会(Muslim Brotherhood)为己任,被特朗普称赞为很棒的家伙。
  Half jokingly, some analysts say the United Arab Emirates too could benefit from Mr Trump’s presidency, if only because he is familiar with Dubai, where he is developing a golf course.
  Across the Gulf, however, officials still don’t know what to make of Mr Trump.
  But given widespread disenchantment with the administration of Barack Obama and its perceived pivot towards Iran, Sunni Arab states are hoping the incoming leader will rekindle the love affair with America.
  但考虑到他们普遍对巴拉克.奥巴马(Barack Obama)政府感到失望,也对他们认为的奥巴马政府把重心转向伊朗感到失望,逊尼派的阿拉伯国家希望这位新领导人能带来新的蜜月期。
  Officials speak cautiously of potential opportunities if the US drops its flirtation with Tehran.
  Yet the president-elect could prove too zealous even for hardline opponents of Iran.
  Take the nuclear agreement, which Mr Trump has so often railed against.
  However much Gulf states dislike the accord, no one is advocating its reversal.
  The Trump administration should focus on strong enforcement and call out violations, say Gulf officials; and it should punish Iran for its meddling in Arab affairs, from Syria to Iraq, from Bahrain to Yemen.
  This list of wishes, however, will clash with two of Mr Trump’s instincts: an inclination towards disengagement and a questioning of the value of alliances.
  One risk facing a Trump presidency is that raising the pressure on Iran could provoke the country to withdraw from the nuclear agreement and accelerate its pursuit of an atomic bomb.
  Meanwhile, traditional Sunni allies will be left to confront the resulting explosion in tensions alone.
  Mr Trump will also find every move on the Middle East chessboard has a knock-on effect.
  Consider Syria: he favours greater co-operation with Russia.
  This would bolster the Assad regime — as well as its primary ally, Iran, at a time when the intention is to weaken Tehran.
  Joining hands with Moscow would also alienate Saudi Arabia, a leading backer of Syria’s rebels and arch-enemy of Iran.
  The other risk for the region is that even if Mr Trump modifies his more extreme positions, the rhetoric from both him and his team can still do immeasurable damage — radicalising more Muslims and feeding the ranks of extremist groups that the president-elect has vowed to fight.
  Michael Flynn, Mr Trump’s choice for national security adviser, has said that Islam is not a religion as much as a political ideology and has compared it to a cancer.
  特朗普选择的国家安全顾问迈克尔.弗林(Michael Flynn)称伊斯兰教与其说是宗教不如说是政治意识形态,并且把伊斯兰教比作癌症。
  Neither he nor Mr Trump, moreover, appear to distinguish between different types of Islamists — political or extremist.
  It won’t be long, though, before Mr Trump discovers that, in the quicksands of the Middle East, the tiniest of mis-steps can turn quickly into a big, bad crisis.