
TINTIN:Three brothers joined,three unicorns in company...
ALLAN:Why did you decide to ___(1)___ in my affairs?
TINTIN:You're the ones who forced me to come along.
ALLAN:Well,if you give me your scroll,you can get off my ship at the next port.
TINTIN:You're _(2)_.And this is not your ship.
ALLAN:Oh,so you've met Haddock.Well,he isn't the captain anymore.He's what you might call a ship WRECK.
TINTIN:Haddcok?!! The Captain's name is Haddock?!!!
TINTIN:Three brothers...we know that there are three scrolls.Mine,the Bird brothers'..Hmm,let's think Snowy..I don't know who Allan works for,but I'm willing to _(3)_ he's got the third scroll.