美国文化脱口秀 第404期:真不能跟外国人谈钱吗?(在线收听


  Salary: 工资
  多用于annual salary (年收入、年薪)
  Wage: 工资
  多用于hourly wage (小时薪酬)
  Income: 收入
  多用于monthly or annual income (月或年收入)
  Make money 赚钱
  We don't really talk about salaries. Too sensitive: 美国人真的互相不太聊工资、聊收入,很敏感
  But when we do: 不过如果问,可以这样问:
  How much do you make a month/a year?
  What's the pay like?
  I make xxx.
  The pay is (good) or (bad).
  This topic makes most people uncomfortable and awkward: 这个话题让大多数人很不自在、很尴尬
  Makes you seem very nosy if you ask: 如果你问,别人会觉得你很爱管闲事
  120,000: a hundred twenty thousand
  120 grand: a hundred twenty grand
  120 K: a hundred twenty K
  A 5-figure salary: 5位数年薪
  A 6-figure salary: 6位数年薪
  If you make 6 figures, it's something to brag about: 如果有6位数年薪,那也值得夸耀
  Most Americans don't make 6 figures: 大多数美国人都没有6位数年薪
  Someone makes a high salary: 收入不错
  Someone makes a lot: 赚很多钱、收入高
  You're doing pretty well for yourself: 收入不错哦
  High income earner: 高收入者
  It's too formal. We don't use it in daily life: 太正式了,口语里不会这么说
  Gross income (before tax): 税前收入
  Net income (after tax): 税后收入
  Take-home salary/pay: 到手收入
  To save up (动词)
  Savings (名词)
  It's hard to have savings nowadays: 现在要存钱真难
  You don't talk about salary with mere acquaintances: 一般性的熟人不会谈
  It's a very private and sensitive issue: 总之是个特别私人、敏感的话题
  #1.好朋友能谈吗?With close friends
  We usually talk about what we do, not the salary: 和朋友之间谈工作,主要是聊在做什么事, 不是工资
  I don't know how much most of my friends make: 我不知道我好朋友的收入水平
  If you're looking for work in the same industry: 如果你找工作,那个行业正好是你朋友从事的
  You can ask them for advice to make sure you don't get the short end of the stick: 可以问一下工资建议,确保自己不吃亏
  But don't ask the exact amount: 但也不会问具体的数字
  Salary range: 大概的工资范围
  Ballpark figure: 大概的范围,ballpark是口语的说法
  #2.男女朋友呢?With your boyfriend or girlfriend
  Only if you're in a steady relationship: 除非是关系特别稳定的
  Maybe you're heading towards marriage: 有结婚打算的
  People who just started dating don't talk about their salaries: 刚开始恋爱的,不会谈收入
  #3.家人之间呢?With your own family
  You talk about it with your parents and siblings: 和父母、兄弟姐妹会聊
  Maybe not always the exact figure: 有时也不是具体的数字
  The first time I realized how much my parents made was during college application: 我第一次意识到我父母的工资是申请大学的时候
  You have to put in your parents' income to see if you qualify for grants and scholarships: 要填父母收入情况,看你是否有资格申请助学金、奖学金
  #4.美国夫妻怎么管钱?With your husband and wife
  In China, a lot of husbands give part of their salary to their wives: 在中国,很多先生会把收入的一大部分交给太太
  The wife manages the household expenses: 太太会管理家用开支
  Most married American couples have a joint bank account: 很多美国夫妻会有一个联名账户
  It's a pool of money: 把钱都集中起来
  But each person still has their separate card and access: 但是夫妻各自有自己的卡,和独立使用的权限
  #5.要付父母房租?Pay rent to your parents
  Most Americans think adults shouldn't live with their parents: 大多数美国人觉得, 成年后要从家里搬出去
  Adults should be independent: 成年了,要独立
  But many people are moving back or never leave home because rent is so expensive: 但是现在,越来越多的人搬回去跟爸妈住,因为租金太贵了
  Most parents will ask their children to contribute a fixed amount each month: 很多父母会让孩子每个月付一笔固定的钱
  To cover utilities, groceries: 贡献水电费、吃的喝的
  In China, we also give part of our salaries to our parents: 在中国,我们也会给父母工资的一部分
  But they save it up for us: 但是爸爸妈妈会帮我们存起来