
Nicole:James,I almost didn't recognize you. 
Bond:I'm sorry? Have we met before? 
Nicole:I think once.Something in England.Nicole Hunter.My friends call me Nikki. 
Bond:Nicole Hunter? You're the jewelry designer? 
Nicole:I've been called worse - "it girl",socialite. 
Bond:Well,it was nice to see you,Nicole - I'm sure you've got a plane to catch - 
Nicole:Actually,M sent me. 
Bond:__(1)__.But not an unpleasant surprise.Shall we go? 
Nicole:The car's over there - 
Bond:Nice car. 
Nicole:It's a friend's.Would you like to drive? I feel much safer with a man behind the wheel - 
Bond:So what can you tell me about Pomerov? 
Nicole:He's such a lech.But he's kind of sweet for your basic Russian oligarch.He owns oil wells,diamond mines,his own 737 - with gold plated fittings of course. 
Bond:How do you know him? 
Nicole:Sweetie,there are only six people worth dating in the world,and I've probably gone out with half of them.Turn here.Okay the truth is he supplies the chemicals used to alloy the gold and silver in my line of jewelry...And he's been after me to open a boutique in the casino he just bought in Monaco. 
Bond:He bought the casino? 
Nicole:Another trinket on the "Must Have" list for oligarchs.After a super model wife...So I got him to delay his flight back to Siberia - that where he keeps the wife,at his headquarters,so she can't spend all his money - and we're going to meet in the boardroom,which should give you enough time to get into his office,and break into his safe. 
Bond:Well done...So how did you 
Nicole:___(2)___ with MI6? 
Bond:That's one way of putting it - 
Nicole:Darling,it's the perfect cover:Fashion shows,photo shoots,store openings - I get to travel the whole world,and nobody pays any attention. 
Bond:M approached you? 
Nicole:Not exactly. 
Bond:Well,how,not exactly? 
Nicole:Well...there was this little "tax problem" a few years ago. 
Bond:A little tax problem. 
Nicole:And a small customs problem...Involving some diamonds. 
Bond:So that's how a girl from the society pages end up working for MI6? 
Nicole:Yes,James.But believe me - When necessary,I can be very _(3)_.You can drop me off in front of the Casino.I'm going to put on my war paint before the meeting.I'll text you on the cell phone to let you know when we're almost finished. 