
   Almost everyone I know who has relocated complained about back pain when it was over. I made sure I wasn't around on moving day itself, so I really can't tell you if they complained then. My guess is they complained about back pain while they were moving, too.

  It was only when I had to move that I really understood the need for things like planning ahead, self care, pacing, etc.
  Now that I'm snugly in my new place, here are my tips for a back-safe move:
  Start Early
  Nearly everyone accumulates things. The problem is many of us don’t realize how much stuff we have until we relocate.
  One thing I did to prepare for moving was to start purging unnecessary belongings an entire year ahead. I held a garage sale which not only put a few bucks in my pocket, but significantly lightened my load when moving day arrived. And since I was on a roll after the sale, I continued to reduce the load I'd eventually be carrying by donating and selling.
  Strengthen Your Core
  Another aspect of starting early is to plan ahead about how you'll support your back when the day comes. Most spine experts will tell you that a strong core—by core I mean abdominal and pelvic muscles—is the best way to protect your back.
  The workout could include:
  ? lower abdominal work
  ? 下腹肌练习
  ? upper abdominal work
  ? 上腹肌练习
  ? oblique abdominal strengthening
  ? 斜肌加强练习
  ? the bridge exercise
  ? 弓形练习
  ? all 4s back stretch
  ? 四秒背伸
  ? a gentle spinal twist
  ? 普通的脊柱扭转
  ? some prone work to target your back muscles
  ? 针对背部肌肉的俯卧练习