
Max: Listen, when I went through David's laptop, I found pictures of Rachel and Frank... being more than friends.
Chloe: Right. No way, Max. She was just posing to tease Frank.
Max: If you're not going to believe me, why don't we check out what Frank has in his RV?
Chloe: ____(1)____?
Max: Frank has Rachel's bracelet. What else does he have in there?
Chloe: Motherfucker better not have anything. For this sake. Let's check the door. Frank gets so wasted he sometimes forgets to lock it.
Max: I can't believe you hung out with him.
Chloe: Not anymore. We have to be casual ninjas here... Shitballs. Okay, here's the plan. I'll go to the diner and distract Frank by telling him I have his money, but he needs to come with me. Then you come in and rewind so Frank doesn't see me, then you can tell Frank he needs to check out his RV and then you rewind after you get the key, and... uh, and...
Max: Chloe, I got this. I'll be right back.
Chloe: Don't let my epic plan get in the way of yours. I'll try to scrounge up a Scooby snack to distract his mangy mutt...
Chloe: I should have known. The Amazing SpiderMax.
Max: I couldn't have done it without Frank. Now let's get in and out.
Chloe: You'll need this Max! On your mark, get _(2)_... Throw!