
Chloe: Throw!
Max: Get that treat treat, boy!
Chloe: The meat is in the street...
Max: Oh no. Please, please do not let that poor dog be hit...
Chloe: I bet he's fine--I'm sure he is... Come on, we definitely don't have time to waste now.
Chloe: It makes me ill that Rachel posed like this for Frank... or wrote him love letters... I can't believe she was banging Frank! Rachel straight up ____(1)____! Why didn't she say anything?
Max: Because she knew how you would react.
Chloe: Then she wasn't much of a friend, huh? Just another person who shits all over me. Why does everybody in my life let me down? My dad gets killed, you __(2)__ me for years, my mother gloms onto step-fucker... now Rachel betrays me...
Max: Chloe, Rachel is missing. Nobody betrayed you.
Chloe: Bullshit, who hasn't?! Fuck everybody!
Max: Chloe!