
Max: I cannot believe you fell asleep so fast. How dare you.
Chloe: I know you were beat down after the day with me. And Blade Runner is a pretty dreamy movie to watch at night. Uh, do you think Deckard is a replicant? Sorry, I can see you're not wide awake like me.
Max: No, I'm sorry I _(1)_ so hard. Were you... okay?
Chloe: I do have a mother and father when you're not falling asleep on me.
Max: You are a bitch in the morning.
Chloe: It's the company I keep... Yesterday was such a blast.
Max: It was great, seeing you.
Chloe: I know things were different when we were just dorky kids, but being with you made me feel like when we were little pirates, jumping and running through the forests again. It meant a lot to me just to chill out with you and bullshit. Ahh... Fuck. Um. I'm getting my regular head pains... Uh, can you pretty please go upstairs and get my-my morphine injector in the bathroom?
Max: Morphine injector?
Chloe: It's--ahh. It's total Star Trek shit. You can't even see the needle. Seriously. I need it. Um, my parents keep the swag upstairs because they think I can't get to it... but you can, Max. Like a pirate, right?
Max: I'm on it, Chloe.
Chloe: Finally. Give me the blue pill...
Max: I'm sorry. I'm nosy, but not precise.
Chloe: Go ahead and plug it right in. It's so easy. And painless.
Max: Um, okay, but get ready to yell for your folks if I screw up.
Chloe: Oh, trust me, I will. Of course, my pain just keeps getting worse... but you caught me on a good day. Max, I'm so grateful that I'm even able to hang out with you. See, I'm getting mushy. I'm already high.
Max: You are so _(2)_ . Do you want anything else?
Chloe: Um, stop me if I'm being too emo, but can you grab one of the photo albums over there? I'd like to check out some old pictures of us when we were kids.
Max: Please. My diary is like emo ground zero. Is that okay?
Chloe: Perfect. Oh my god, look how little we are there! We look like toys!
Max: I remember that day by the lighthouse.
Chloe: My dad was pissed at us. He actually tried to give us a time-out!
Max: And you laughed at him. My dad would have banished me.
Chloe: Whoa, awesome picture. We look so badass in our pirate gear.
Max: We should have taken over Arcadia Bay when we had the chance.
Chloe: There's still time for you... Oh man, there we are making pancakes. I love that shot of us. It's hard to believe my dad tool that picture only five years ago.
Max: Literally seems like yesterday...
Chloe: I wish it was.
Max: Me too. This photo... Maybe I could...
Chloe: Listen, Max, my respiratory system is failing and... and it's only getting worse. I've heard the doctors talking about it when they thought I was zonked out. So I know I'm just ____(3)____ , while my parents suffer along... and I will, too. This isn't how I want things to end.
Max: What? What are you saying?
Chloe: I'm saying that being with you again has been so special. I just wanted to feel like when we were kids running around Arcadia Bay.. and everything was possible. And you made me feel that way today. I want this time with you to be my last memory... Do you understand?
Max: Yes, I do.
Chloe: All you have to do is crank up the IV to eleven...