2017年国考笔试结束 大学生创业及玉兔进考题(在线收听

   The annual national civil service exam kicked off last Sunday, and some recent hot topics - such as college graduates starting their own businesses and the Yutu (Jade Rabbit) lunar rover - appeared in the exam questions.

  The 1.48 million people who qualified to take the exam marked an increase of 90,000 over last year, while the number of positions offered - 27,000 - remained almost the same.
  Last year, only 930,000 of the 1.39 million qualified finally entered the exam halls.
  2017年国考笔试结束 大学生创业及玉兔进考题
  According to exam questions and some test-takers' feedback posted online after the exam, the difficulty of the questions was moderate and hot political and social issues, such as the Long March rockets, China's foreign affairs, the Yutu lunar rover and entrepreneurial efforts by college students, were mentioned.
  The civil service exam consists of writing tests and interviews. The interviews are expected to be held in February or March, after the writing test results come out in January.
  This year, for the most hotly contested position-one at the Central Committee of the China Democratic League's reception office-there were about 10,000 competitors.