
Happy thanksgiving!
Happy thanksgiving!
Anna, wait till you're invited!
For God's sake, get the hell in here.
He actually sings in the shower.
I do not.
Yes, you do!
Mommy, can I take Joy to our house?
Wear a hat, please.
You're just getting over a cold.
Joy, you wear a hat, too.
Where are your sisters?
I can't find them.
We have checked the entire house, they're not here.
Dad, there was this RV and they were playing on it.
There was... we thought there was someone inside.
You wait here.
I couldn't find them!
Detective Loki.
Do you have children, detective?
I'm gonna find your daughters.
Show me your hands right now!
You put those girls somewhere, Alex.
No way.
I know you put those girls somewhere.
_______________1__________________, right?
We have a 48 hour hold-on that ends tomorrow unless we bring charges.
Then charge him with something.
Well, this seem clean.
I'd start looking at the woods by the rest stop.
The police said they're letting him go today.
What did you do with them?
Tell me!
Where are... no, no!
Day 6.
And everyday she's wondering why I'm not there.
You told us that you could protect us from everything.
Why don't you look for my daughters?
What in the world did you do?
We're not gonna help Keller, but we won't stop him either.
Let him do what he needs to do.
I know you know where they are.
Where is my daughter?