
I have a very funny story to tell you.
I was at my dermatologist today and she was with her girlfriend and _______________1_______________.
This came out of nowhere? 
Out of nowhere!
And she asked me "Do I know anybody?"
I said: "Yeah, but it'll cost you a thousand bucks."
I was thinking of you. 
I mean, you need the money and I'm closing shop.
I am not a beautiful man.
Is Mick Jagger a beautiful man?
You're an experienced lover, why shouldn't you get paid for it?
Of course, I saw myself getting a small fee.
I'll be Dan Bungle.
It's nice to meet you, Dan.
Maybe I should try your guy out first, alone.
Just me and him. You do this often?
No, I mean.
So, this is kind of a part time thing? 
You could say that.
She tipped you?!
We have another customer, maybe more.
How about word of mouth?
God bless you, girls.
Is he tall? 
I really think that I should try him.
I like it rough. Sometimes, I even like to be the man, to strap on my god.
Is he Jewish? 
Jewish...Yeah, yeah.
So this is what you do. You bring magic to the lonely.
That's one way to put it. 
He's shy, so why handle the...
He's shy? He doesn't look shy.
You are flirting with me. 
Everybody needs contact.
They need love, they need affection.
You do remember that a threesome is two thousand bucks?
These are vulnerable people. 
Think of it as a performance.
They want you to play-act anyhow.
Let's do the menage.
Call Bungle. 
Dan Bungle.
She's so soft, like a stuffed animal.
Very nice stage work, let me tell you.
Have you ever done it, menage a trois?
1977, during the blackout.
Nobody could see anything, but that was still very pleasant.