
Do you need help?
There’s nothing to help with.
What are you doing?
Going fishing.
I’m telling you there’s no fish out there.
How did this happen?
Come with me.
What are we going to do?
Change the world.
Your sins are forgiven, my son.
I thought only God could do that.
Which is easier to say his sins are forgiven or say he gets up and walk.
I’ve had reports of a young prophet of Nazareth. ____________1____________.
They all do.
Last are the pure in heart for they shall see God.
Pray to him and he will listen.
5,000 came to see him – 5,000.
Who knows what Pilot will do if the crowds run out of control.
That man Judas he wants to help us.
I will crush any rebellion.
Save us from the Romans, Lord.
There is something unusually about him.
We must arrest this false prophet.
What if he is who they say he is?
Peter come.
One of you here will betray me to my enemies.
Won’t somebody tell me, answer if you can. I want someone to tell me, what is the soul of a man.
Jesus of Nazareth, ____________3____________.
He has employed demons to heal. He threatened to destroy the temple.
Tell us!
Are you the son of God.
I am.
I am coming soon.