
I never saw this land when it was green, _________1________.
My father did even as the fight over water first divided states.
He always believed in the land.
When it rains, they'll see what we have.
When it rains...
Don't worry about me.
I never worry about you, I worry about your sister.
The state gave my father's land to whatever you are.
You don't have what it takes to convince those watermen to ____2______.
Hey, mama.
Something's wrong.
Don't worry about me.
This boy, does he make her happy?
I want to talk to you about something. I'm thinkin' I can try to get some of that water down here.
My father tried a hundred times. It's not gonna happen.
Maybe it just sorta needs a fresh face.
You're a dead man, Holm.
*** a week!
Few moments, the distributor will distribute its life-sustaining gifts on the small piece of land.
I don't want you seeing that boy Fleming.
Look at our lives! You failed us! You failed your family!
She's a flower. Someone needs to appreciate her for _________3_________.
You blame me.
Damn right, I blame you! That land was all we had!
I would like to talk to you about an offer.
The deal is done.
This piece of land can be more than a symbol.
It can flourish once again.
Kids know what you did.
I don't want any more lies.
What's going on, I just ask.