
And the award for best original screenplay goes to Keith Michaels for Paradise Displays!
It's tragic how much I'm enjoying, huh, I get it.
I'm a little bit desperate. I can't pay my bills. 
There's something. You have to hear me out.
You thought of me for a teaching job? ___________1___________ by desperate fagots...
If it pays, I'll take it.
I don't believe that anything worth knowing can be taught. I intend to do as little as possible while carrying on with this charade.
Hello, Flo, welcome to the screen writing class.
Rosa, Maya.
You're good looking guy, Dave. Get your ass out of screen writing class.
I'm Holly Carpenter. 
What do you teach, Holly?
I'm a sophomore.
No, that's good. That's wonderful going back to school at your....
Yes, exactly!
Well, I thought that's what you meant.
I just have a question.
I would exepect no less.
If you don't believe writing can be taught, what are we going to be doing in the class?
The truth is I'm gonna be writing a movie about a teacher.
Who's gonna be in it?
I'm not at liberty to discuss that, you know, Matt hasn't committed yet...
Matt Damon?! Oh, my God!
You arrived on campus. ______2_______, insulted members of the faculty
You don't like Jane Austen? - I'm just a little bit tired of female empowerment.
You just missed your class for a month. And that class bears a _________3___________.
Not the men.
Well, I'm glad you thought it through.
You're trying to feel a spiritual vacancy with alcohol and young women?
Oh, yeah!
That's what you hoped for, isn't it?
To find some smart, funny woman full of fire and honesty.
I find myself missing you. It's quite possible that if I stayed away a few more hours I'd have just completely get over that, but, now, we'll never know.
Stay out of trouble. 
Yeah, yeah, I will do. And just one other thing. Tell him if Matt wants a meeting, he's gonna have to come here.
Matt? Who is Matt?
Because you know, there's always Ryan.
Gosling or Reynolds?