英语悠选脱口秀 第100期:英伦美女红娘(在线收听


  Today's key word is Matchmaker
  Matchmaker m-a-t-c-h-m-a-k-e-r
  媒人 红娘
  A matchmaker is someone who tries to encourage(鼓励) people they know to form a romantic relationship or to get married(结婚).
  Here is an example:
  My friend played matchmaker and had us both over to dinner.
  小说的开头是这样描述的:"Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition(性情), seemed to unite(联合,兼备) some of the best blessings(祝福,福分) of existence; and had lived nearly twenty-one years in the world with very little to distress(悲痛) or vex(使烦恼) her."
  简单来说,Emma Woodhouse 就是一个热心活泼心地善良的白富美。She believes she is a skilled matchmaker and repeatedly attempts to pair up her friends and acquaintances(相识的人).
  女主有了,男主当然也不能少:Mr Knightley is Emma's only social and intellectual equal in Highbury.那时,在等级分明的英格兰,He has known Emma since she was a baby. He is an individual独特的, quick-witted机智的 gentleman, with a dry sense of humour冷幽默.