英国《自然》杂志评年度重大科学事件 中国多项重要成果上榜(在线收听

   British scientific journal "Nature" has noted China's achievements in aerospace, genetic engineering, and climate change in a report released last Friday regarding science events that shaped the year 2016.

  The journal lists a series of achievements China made in the aerospace sector while the US, Europe, and Japan suffered errors and failures in several space missions.
  China launched the world's first quantum satellite in August and powerful new heavy-lift rocket Long March 5 in November.
  英国《自然》杂志评年度重大科学事件 中国多项重要成果上榜
  Its Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope, the world's largest radio telescope, was put into use in September.
  It also highlights the two Chinese astronauts who spent one month aboard the Tiangong II space laboratory, in China's longest manned mission in October and November.
  In genetic engineering, a patient with lung cancer in China became the first person in the world to be treated with cells edited using CRISPR-Cas9, reports the journal, saying more application of the genome-editing tool is expected in the US and China next year.
  The journal also recognizes the positive role of China in the implementation of the Paris Agreement.
  China signed the international climate agreement on Earth Day, April 22nd, 2016, and its top legislature ratified the agreement in September.