
Learning English by watching movies
Bring your dictionary.
Maybe I'll addpoint 3.5 too – choose a film with subtitles! So when you hear a word you're interested in, check it up! Because you went through the trouble to understandit…you'll be able to remember that word for a long time too!
Repeat short phrases! Some times, you might hear something cool in the movie. For example, some short phrases, orslang like, "hell yeah!", or "sure thing", or "youbetcha!" that are commonly used in English. If you like how it sounds, itreally helps to repeat it! After saying it out loud a while, you will be ableto remember it for a longer time! It's a great and enjoyable exercise – one of my personal favourites.
重复短语。有时,你或许会在电影里听到一些很酷的表达。例如,有些短语或俚语,比如“Hell yeah!”或者“sure thing”,或者“you betcha!”(都表示“当然,没错”)在英语中很常用。如果你喜欢它的读音,多重复会很有帮助。大声朗读一会,你能记住更长的时间!这是个很棒又让人愉悦的联系——我自己的最爱之一。